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Beauty Gold Dust Attunement

Beauty Gold Dust Attunement

Regular price €30,28 EUR
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Beauty Gold Dust Attunement

🔆 This is a channeled activation and the following information was given during the channeling:

"Imagine a cascade of golden light, infused with the very essence of beauty, gently enveloping your being. This divine energy, like a shimmering veil, seeks to enhance and illuminate the beauty that already resides within you.

This attunement is a gift, a blessing from the universe, designed to awaken your inner radiance and magnify your natural allure. It is a key that unlocks the door to a world where beauty permeates every aspect of your existence.

With this attunement, you become a beacon of beauty, and can attract all that is harmonious and pleasing into your life. Your aura can shimmer with a captivating luminescence, drawing positive experiences and meaningful connections towards you.
Feel your confidence blossom as your inner beauty shines through, radiating outwards and transforming your appearance.

But the Beauty Gold Dust Attunement goes beyond this, it's shifting your perspective towards positivity and gratitude. You begin to see the beauty in every moment, in every person, and in every experience.
Your relationships can deepen, your living environment becomes a sanctuary of peace and beauty, and your life transforms into a masterpiece of art, reflecting the divine beauty that you now embody.

After you are attuned, you can direct this high vibrational energy towards anything you want to beautify, with the help of your intent and the trigger words that you will receive.

• Your Aura: glow with radiant, magnetic energy that can draw positive experiences and people towards you.

• Your Appearance: enhance your natural features and radiate confidence from within.

• Your Perspective: shift your mindset towards positivity and gratitude, seeing beauty in everyday moments.

• Your Relationships: cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections with loved ones.

• Your Living Environment: create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing space that nurtures your soul.

...and so much more. These are but glimpses, mere whispers of the transformative power that lies within this golden dust. For beauty knows no bounds, its essence flowing like a river, touching every corner of your existence." - Source

⭐ As a bonus, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being and you will receive a summary report, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session ⭐

🔆 How does it work

•  After your order I will initiate the remote activation, attunement or energetic session on the following day or sooner, upon receiving confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.

•  During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

•  Once the session is complete, I will notify you and I will send you a summary report as a bonus, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session.

• You can also download the image infused with charged energies. Viewing this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.

• Ongoing support is included, you can always contact me for any questions or requests. I am here to support you in your journey.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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