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Buddha Mastery Activations Package

Buddha Mastery Activations Package

Regular price €52,81 EUR
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Buddha Mastery Activations Package

🔆 These are channeled activations and the following information was given during the channeling:

"My devoted followers, I have been given permission from source to offer you these most astounding and divine dispensations that will excel you on your path to planetary mastery.

Allow me to clear your spiritual senses and activate them so that you can soar to higher levels of divinity. Allow me to activate what is your birthright, your connection to source and allow this connection to become a part of your daily life and routine with ease and grace. Allow me to release your burdens of the past and connect you to higher realms of love, light and learning.

In doing so, you become the vehicle to bring these energies here for the enlightenment of all. My devoted followers do not merely walk in my footsteps but instead walk beside me for all is known on the path of gold." - Buddha

🔆 Lord Buddha has stepped forward with some very powerful activations for this time on the planet:

- Eye of God (third eye activation)

- Heart of God (heart chakra opening, expansion and activation)

- Ears of God (increases and enhances clairaudience)

- Buddha Cleansing (golden light clearing for physical and etheric bodies and for all energetic systems)

- Cellular Memory Clearing (uses the Violet/Gold flame to transmute, heal and clear cellular memory)

- Buddha Alignment to Source (aligns your energetic bodies, fields, parts and particles to source)

- Knowledge Attunement to the Buddhic Planes (brain expansion and third eye activation which places, opens and activates a lotus of light in your third eye)

- Buddha Lotus Activation for the Heart (heart expansion activation which places, opens and activates a lotus of love in your heart and also connects the lotus in the heart to the lotuses in the third eye, throat and ears)

- Buddha Lotus Activation for the Throat (throat chakra activation which places, opens and activates a lotus of love and light into your throat and creates rods of light from the lotus in the throat to the lotuses in the heart, third eye and ears)

- Buddha Lotus Activation for the Ears (installs a lotus of love and light into both ears  and creates rods of light from the lotuses in the ears to the lotuses in the third eye, heart and throat)

- Buddha Accelerator (a permanent attunement and activation to raise the cellular vibration of a being, assisting them to release slow, negative and/or dense energies and frequencies.

- Buddha's Golden Spheres (a permanent attunement and activation to increase the speed and vibration of quantum fields, parts and particles including the atomic structures and levels)

- Buddha's Golden Waterfall (a permanent attunement and activation from Buddha to assist you in becoming more fluid in all of your energetic systems)

- Buddha Grounding (helps you to anchor and embody more of your spiritual energy and power into your physical body in a grounded manner)

- Buddha's Earth Grounding (helps you to anchor and ground into the highest level energies of Gaia)

- Buddha's Temple of Knowledge Within Your (activates the temple of knowledge within your heart so that you can live more from the heart)

- Buddha Neutrality and Detachment (plants a seed of light within your energy fields to help you to stay detached and neutral in the midst of change and when others around  you are caught up in drama or processing)

- Buddha Renewal and Rejuvenation (clears the lower reptilian brains of density, upgrades pineal gland functioning, brings in light codes for immortality)

- Buddha's Gift of Serenity (heart expansion attunement that opens chambers in the heart to peace and serenity)

- Buddha Activation for Mastery (assists you to align to higher spiritual vibrations, frequencies and energy patterns to assist you to achieve planetary ascension)

⭐ As a bonus, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being and you will receive a summary report, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session ⭐

🔆 How does it work

•  After your order I will initiate the remote activation, attunement or energetic session on the following day or sooner, upon receiving confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.

•  During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

•  Once the session is complete, I will notify you and I will send you a summary report as a bonus, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session.

• You can also download the image infused with charged energies. Viewing this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.

• Ongoing support is included, you can always contact me for any questions or requests. I am here to support you in your journey.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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