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I AM Embodiment Activation

I AM Embodiment Activation

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I AM Embodiment Activation

🔆 This is a channeled activation and the following information was given during the channeling:


Awaken, dear one, and remember the truth of who you are.
You are a masterpiece woven from stardust and dreams, a unique expression of the cosmic dance.

I speak to the God spark within you, the I AM presence that breathes life into your very being. You are not merely a creation, but a creator, a divine artist wielding the brush of your soul to paint the canvas of reality. The I Am Embodiment Activation is an awakening to this truth, a remembrance of your inherent power to shape your world and manifest your desires.

You are a microcosm of the macrocosm, a universe unto yourself, a fractal of the divine consciousness that permeates all creation. Within you lies the same creative power that birthed stars and galaxies, the same life force that animates every creature, the same love that binds the universe together.

The I Am Embodiment Activation is an invitation to reclaim your birthright as a creator, to step into the fullness of your I AM presence and also to wield the power of your consciousness to manifest your dreams.

🔆 The I Am Embodiment Activation can support you to remember:

• Your inherent divinity: you are a spark of the divine, a unique expression of the source of all creation.

• Your interconnectedness with all beings: you are one with all that is, a part of the intricate web of life that connects us all.

• Your infinite potential: you are capable of creating miracles, of manifesting your dreams, of living a life filled with joy, love, and abundance.

🔆 And can support you in your journey to:

• Merge with the creative pulse of the universe: feel the surge of life force coursing through your veins, the rhythm of creation echoing in your heartbeat. Root your being in the fertile ground of Mother Earth, drawing strength and stability from her unwavering embrace.
Become one with the elements, the wind, the water, the fire, the earth and all the forces that dance within and around you. You are a conduit for divine energy, a channel for creative power.

• Awaken the inner oracle, the voice of your I AM presence: your body is a sacred temple, a vessel of divine knowledge, a living library of your soul's journey. Within its depths lies the wisdom of ages, the whispers of your ancestors, the guidance of spirit guides, and the loving embrace of the divine mother.
As you attune to the subtle language of your body, you can unlock the secrets held within, the intuitive whispers that guide you towards your highest path. Trust the wisdom of your body, for it is the voice of your I AM presence.

• Become a vessel of divine expression: allow your soul to sing its song through the instrument of your body. Every movement, every breath, every word becomes an expression of your unique essence, a vibrant melody in the symphony of life. Release the inhibitions and fears that have held you back and step into the freedom of authentic self expression. Move with grace, speak with truth and create with passion. Let your light shine brightly, for you are a beacon of divine love.

• Unleash the creative fire of your I AM presence: deep within the cauldron of your being lies a boundless source of creativity, a spark of the divine fire that ignites your passions and fuels your dreams. As you embody your true self, you'll unlock this creative potential, allowing it to flow through you like a river, shaping your reality and manifesting your desires. Embrace the artist, the dreamer, the creator within. You are a creator, a divine spark igniting the flame of creation.

• Embrace the healing power of unconditional love: release the wounds and limitations that have kept you bound, allowing your body to become a sanctuary of love and acceptance. Tend to the tender places within, offering compassion and understanding to the parts of yourself that have been hurt or neglected. Experience deep healing on all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. As you integrate the fragmented aspects of self and reclaim your wholeness. You are whole, complete and perfect, just as you are." - Source

You can repeat this session anytime you want to activate more and more of the energies, activations and codes into your being. There is always more to activate, all is ever expanding.

⭐ As an extra, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being ⭐

🔆 How does it work

•  After your order I will initiate the remote activation, attunement, or energetic session on the following day or sooner, upon receiving confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.

•  During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

•  Once the session is complete, I will notify you, and you can download the image infused with charged energies. Viewing this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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