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Mastery Path Alignments Package

Mastery Path Alignments Package

Regular price €30,38 EUR
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Mastery Path Alignments Package

Each of these powerful mastery path alignments help provide the energetic support lightworkers, healers and starseeds need to accomplish their world service contracts with the higher self, soul and source.

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Love/Heart Gates and Matrices of the Angelic Realms

"Got to love those Angels!! Was shot out of myself, and then back into my heart chakra... traveled inward at supersonic speeds (to the tune of "all you need is love'). I know I passed milestones relevant to my growth, but they were but flickers in a fast receding NOW -- if that makes sense. Arrived at a center where I was bathed in LIGHT, LOVE. Just beautiful. Very ethereal, sparkly, still, pristine. This is the Gate of Connection between my personal heart and the Group Heart of the Angelic Realms. Many activations were given to me here specific for my own mastery path... I was then lifted up to my throat chakra and taken out the back of it through a series of gates/doors/matrices. I was shown/felt that as each of these is opened, a clearing out of fears happens which allows us to connect with a finer vibration of love. This one is simply awesome, and I feel it will jumpstart a lot of us."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Matrices of Christos/Christed Consciousness

"Immediately surrounded by a group embodying Christ Consciousness. The energy was just exquisite... very palpable, shimmering mist. This group immediately intertwined their energy with mine, and removed fear and replaced it with LOVE. I was shown a place/planet where the 5th dimensional consciousness reigns. There was no hatred, no war, very little envy...everyone honored themselves in the other. Still enough 'tension' for growth. As I gazed at this I heard: "This is but one expression of the Christ Consciousness for there are many. Alignment with this path brings release of fear and illusion. One starts to walk out of the density and into a world where all is valued. At this time, this is a difficult path to walk because of the ignorance of the masses, but at the same time it is a blessed path for you become the beacon for others to see by." I asked to be able to walk this path of service and was taken out of body and rewired for this new energy/frequency. Even after this alignment I feel very much at peace and squeaky clean. Don't seem to be as entangled in the monkey mind of the third dimension."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Diamond Matrices of Metatron

"A lot of effervescence at first, and looking more closely I saw prisms 'bubbling' within my energy field. I stayed with this feeling until it subsided somewhat and asked what this was about. I was told that this alignment is about accepting and UNLOCKING those codes (matrices) of mastery. It is my sense that these are ancient codes of mastery knowledge that are simply being uncovered, they have to do with both personal and planetary ascension. I saw that each prism contained both the code and the key and it is through our choices that we unlock the codes needed. The alignment with these matrices was a very physical one, with interlocking pieces. A feeling of centeredness, groundedness, and being on track with my Soul also accompanied this one."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Cosmic Crystalline Matrices of the Elohim

"This activation was heralded by many hues/shades of white cascading through my energy fields and body-a very powerful yet gentle sensation. During this I heard, "This alignment is for those who are working with cosmic and/or multiverse mastery paths. This is about walking in the energy of love, grace and gratitude and knowing that your every action is to be impeccable. To this end we offer you heart attunements, activations and reconfigurations that will clear synthetic geometries from your heart allowing you to resonate with the original tone of creation." I then had the physical sensation of becoming a spiral that was contracting and expanding, and during this movement I released constrictions from my heart and accepted limitless expansion. It's almost as if my heart chakra is swallowing me and all that is left is' heart-me'. This is just an incredible gift."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Gold Matrices of Mother/Father GOD

"Was enveloped in a golden spiral... the smaller part starting at my crown and widening as it went downward. This was a beautiful, serene feeling/place to be... like being of the world but not in it feeling. Next another golden spiral radiated out from my heart carrying waves of love outward that touched everything and asked for nothing in return. I heard, " In the past the paradigm has been to heal, to fix, to make better. The new heart paradigm only asks that you come from love and be the love that you are, and it is in the embodiment of this frequency that space is awakened for any transformation to occur. There is no need to 'do.' This alignment with My matrices allows for non attachment, for learning that interference is not a necessary component of healing. Allow this particular mastery to set you free to ignite into motion those codes and keys that will set you on your own journey of love." Freedom is the heart of this alignment...the freedom to realize that once we activate these matrices, we will learn to be that which we truly are --LOVE! Ennobled is another word that describes this."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Iridescent Rainbow Pearl Matrices of the Divine Mother and Divine Father

"Compassionate transformation is what this is all about. When I first activated this one, I was inundated with color that rose from my feet up through my crown chakra. Wave after wave of the 'liquid' color that I see in this dimension. Gradually these colors turned to shades and hues of pink, and the words compassionate transformation came up. As soon as I acknowledged the phrase, I was taken out of my body and on a 'tour' of the world. I saw that sometimes we seek transformation for it's own sake, and not for our sake, or even for others--it becomes an ending rather than a journey and there is no compassion (with passion) involved. We seek and once found, seek again, forgetting the journey is within. After understanding this, my consciousness settled in my spiritual bodies where I decoded bright light forms. These forms were unique to my own path and helped me to remember where it is that I am headed, and how to get there with compassion FOR MYSELF on this incredible journey. A very much needed alignment for a lot of us."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Matrices of Melchizedek

"Found myself in a cathedral-like space, seemingly out in nature with the arches and buttresses being formed from the tress and the sunlight pouring through. I got the sense that this Mastery Path is an alignment with the attitude of service. As the sunlight touched me, I saw little keys unlocking parts, aspects and spaces within me, and upon their unlocking, contracts that I had forgotten came to the fore. I was told these are the service contracts I had written in the Time between the Worlds, and if I chose, Melchizedek would activate them allowing me to merge with the cosmic matrix of service. I said yes. Went through a period of internal shifting, flashes of insight, and 'ah ha' moments. I then realized that ALL aspects of my Soul that were presently incarnated were also going thru this alignment - on whatever appropriate level. Melchizedek was holding a web and I was being plugged into it. I am more centered and aware of the service I am here to offer."

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Platinum Matrices of Source

"I was placed in a shower of love/grace/gratitude. Really no words to describe the feelings--empowerment, power, joy, faith, centering, bliss -- astounding frequencies all being reawakened through out my WHOLE being. I asked to be shown what was transpiring and saw that this shower cleansed each of my bodies (physical through spiritual), and as the purity that I am returned, I was shifted back and realigned to my CREATION contract. And that was an energetic jolt of some magnitude!! I got the sense that we have quite a few contracts--personal , planetary, social, galactic, etc--but that this one is about the whole ball of wax, about the part we have chosen to play during the In Breath of Source. We are returning home, on a Soul level, a galactic level, and a solar level. As I enjoyed the blissful state, I was shown parts of my contract that had relevance right now, and felt myself being reactivated, mini transformations taking place, all to guide me back home. Very strong alignment for all of us working our way back!!!"

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Pristine Crystalline Titanium Matrices of the Holy Spirit Shekinah

"A very intense frequency set up residence in my body, a huge cosmic tuning fork! I sat with this for a while, sensing a lot of movement. I finally asked that the intensity be turned down so I could see what this one was about. This is an amazing gift of mastery for all of us. This resonance allows us to clear any emotional density from ALL levels of our heart and throat, allowing us to speak and manifest from love. When this clearing stopped, I was taken back to the time between worlds, that time right before I reincarnated, and was regifted with the passion, the fire, the desire, the love and the faith that would carry me on my journey. What an amazing alignment of LOVE! I've returned to my own 'pristine' state of love and service. WOW!"

- Mastery Path Alignment with the Universal Mind Cosmic Crystalline Matrices of Love

"This one was very physical in it's action. Was whisked away to a space that is best described as green-red, and the word that best describes how I felt is 'incubating'. I became aware of an almost viscous energy emanating thru me from the upper right side of my head. as this energy spread, I was able to see (axiatonal) lines within me realigning themselves to a point in space. Once aligned an incredible light show took place, along with wave after wave of energy. I was told that this is an important stepping stone to accepting our power as beings of LOVE, and radiating this love outwards to help all being in ascension to the 5th dimension."

How does it work

- After your payment I will start the remote session as soon as I can, you can do anything at that time (sleeping, working etc.)
- When the session is done I will contact you and you can download the picture with infused energies to help the integration even further.

Please note

- The results of this activation may vary from person to person.
- This activation is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
- The effectiveness of this activation has not been scientifically proven.
- I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.
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