Metatron's Cube Activation
Metatron's Cube Activation
Metatron's Cube Activation
Metatron's Cube is a intricate geometric pattern composed of interconnected circles and lines. When activated for a person, it helps to serve as a gateway to higher realms of consciousness and understanding. This activation may facilitate meditation, spiritual insight and alignment with the universe's fundamental structure.
How does it work
- After your payment I will start the remote session as soon as I can, you can do anything at that time (sleeping, working etc.)
- When the session is done I will contact you and you can download the picture with infused energies to help the integration even further.
Please note
- The results of this activation may vary from person to person.
- This activation is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
- The effectiveness of this activation has not been scientifically proven.
- I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.