Mintakan Activation
Mintakan Activation
Mintakan Activation
š This is a channeled activation and the following information was given during the channeling:
"We are the Mintakans, a collective consciousness hailing from the star system you know as Orion. We have watched over your planet for eons, witnessing the ebbs and flows of your evolution. Now, we reach out to those who resonate with our energy: the Starseeds, the lightworkers, those who carry a piece of our essence within their soul.
Do you feel a deep connection to water? A longing for clearing, for unity, for peace? Do you hear the whispers of ancient wisdom within your dreams? These are the signs of your Mintakan lineage.
We invite you to awaken this dormant potential, to reclaim your heritage as a light bearer. Our energy is here to assist you in this process.
This is a time of great transformation for your planet. As a Mintakan Starseed, you are a beacon of light, a bridge between worlds. Your role is vital in assisting humanity through this shift.
Open your heart to our energy and allow us to guide you on your path. Remember, you are never alone. We are always here, supporting you every step of the way.
š This Mintakan Activation is designed to offer you support to:
ā¢ Reactivate your DNA: your cellular memory holds the keys to your ancient knowledge and abilities. We will help you unlock these codes, allowing your innate gifts to blossom.
ā¢ Reconnect you to Source: through the element of water, you will be guided back to the wellspring of creation, where you will find clearing and renewal.
ā¢ Align you with your soul's purpose: your mission on Earth is unique and essential. We will help you remember why you came and how you can best contribute to the collective awakening.
ā¢ Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities: we are known for our deep connection to the ethereal realms. This activation can help you strengthen your intuition and unlock latent psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
ā¢ Increased Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: we are deeply compassionate beings. This activation can help you develop greater emotional intelligence, allowing you to better understand and navigate your own emotions and connect with the emotions of others on a deeper level.
ā¢ Deeper Connection to Nature and the Element of Water: by reawakening your Mintakan lineage, you can cultivate a profound connection with the natural world, especially the element of water. This can manifest as increased sensitivity to water's energy, a stronger sense of peace when near bodies of water, and enhanced ability to work with water for healing and manifestation.
ā¢ Accelerated Spiritual Growth and Ascension: this activation can serve as a catalyst for your spiritual journey, helping you to raise your vibration, expand your consciousness, and move towards ascension with greater ease and grace." - the Mintakans
ā As a bonus, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being and you will receive a summary report, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session ā
š How does it work
ā¢ After your order I will initiate the remote activation, attunement or energetic session on the following day or sooner, upon receiving confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.
ā¢ During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.
ā¢ Once the session is complete, I will notify you and I will send you a summary report as a bonus, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session.
ā¢ You can also download the high resolution image infused with charged energies.
This picture is the same image as the listing picture, but without text and charged with the energies of the session. Gazing at this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.
ā¢ Ongoing support is included, you can always contact me for any questions or requests. I am here to support you in your journey.
š Please note
ā¢ The results of this session may vary from person to person.
ā¢ This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
ā¢ The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
ā¢ This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
ā¢ I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
ā¢ I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.