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Pleiadian Ascension Mastery Activations Level 1 Package

Pleiadian Ascension Mastery Activations Level 1 Package

Regular price €105,61 EUR
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Pleiadian Ascension Mastery Activations Level 1 Package 


🔆 These are channeled activations and the following information was given during the channeling:

"Welcome to an extraordinary odyssey of ascension with the Pleiadian Ascension Mastery Activations.
This offering, imbued with the high frequency energies of the Pleiades, is meticulously designed to propel you towards spiritual liberation and the embodiment of your divine mastery.

Embrace this transformative odyssey, dear ones. We, your Pleiadian family, are here to guide and support you as you ascend into the luminescent realms of your true being.

🔆 The following activations are included that can support you:

• Crystalline DNA Activation: activate more dormant strands of your DNA, accelerating your evolution and attuning you to higher dimensional frequencies.

• Stellar Gateway Alignment Activation: align your energy centers with key Pleiadian stargates, facilitating the flow of high dimensional frequencies.

• Lightbody Expansion Activation: expand and strengthen all your light bodies, allowing you to hold more light and navigate higher dimensions with ease.

• Ascension Chakras Alignment Activation: harmonize and activate your complete chakra system, creating a clear channel for divine energy to flow through you.

• Heart Chakra Expansion Activation: open your heart center to unconditional love, compassion, and unity consciousness, essential for ascension.

• Light Language Activation: awaken your ability to speak and understand light language, the language of the soul and higher dimensions.

• Etheric Template Upgrade Activation: elevate your energetic blueprint, aligning it with the frequencies of the New Earth.

• Multidimensional Awareness Activation: expand your perception beyond the 3D realm, accessing higher dimensions and timelines.

• Cosmic Consciousness Expansion: transcend the limitations of the ego and access unity consciousness, experiencing oneness with all creation.

• Light Codes Infusion: receive a powerful infusion of Pleiadian light codes, accelerating your ascension process and activating latent abilities.

• Ascension Chamber Activation: connect with the ethereal Pleiadian Ascension Chambers, receiving high frequency activations and energetic upgrades during your lifetime.

• Cosmic Language Activation: awaken your ability to comprehend and communicate in the universal language of light and sound, connecting with beings from across the cosmos.

• Time Space Mastery: develop the ability to consciously manipulate time and space, accessing different realities and timelines.

• Parallel Self Integration: connect with and integrate aspects of your consciousness existing in parallel realities, gaining expanded awareness and knowledge.

• Ascension Guide Activation: awaken your inner ascension guide, accessing profound wisdom and guidance on your spiritual journey." - The Pleiadian Emissaries of Light

⭐ As a bonus, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being and you will receive a summary report, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session ⭐

🔆 How does it work

I use channeled energies from spiritual beings, sacred geometry, universal energies or source to facilitate activations, attunements and energetic sessions.

• Upon receiving an order, I set a clear intention and direct the energies towards the recipient on the following day or sooner, when I receive a confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.
You can share the intentions and requests during the order in the personalization field, this ensures the session is aligned with the goals and desires of the recipient.

• During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

• Once the session is complete, I will notify you and I will send you a summary report as a bonus, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session.

• It’s not required to do anything extra on your part; you can simply allow the energies to do their work. Think of it like planting a seed, you've provided the fertile ground, and now it's time to allow the seed to sprout and grow naturally.

There is an integration period of about two weeks, during which the energies will be settling in and harmonizing within your being. After this period, they will reach their full potential.

• Ongoing support is included, you can always contact me for any questions or requests. I am here to support you in your journey.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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