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Source Mastery Level Four Activations package

Source Mastery Level Four Activations package

Regular price €244,65 EUR
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Source Mastery Level Four package

- Creator Purge, Level 4: This is the fourth level of an activation will purge and transmute any dark, heavy, slow and congested vibrations, energies and frequencies in your universal energetic beingness.

- Source Quantum Spaces Clearing, Level 4: In the fourth level of this activation, one will receive a divine dispensation of grace from the source to clear, recalibrate and reformat one's quantum spaces into new levels of mastery that are in accordance with the laws of perfection.

- Source Spiritual & Energetic Systems Clearing and Upgrade, Level 4: In the fourth level of this activation, one will receive a divine dispensation of grace from source to clear, recalibrate and reformat one's spiritual and energetic systems of ones universal beingness.

- Source Core Fear Purge, Level 1: This is the first level of a divine dispensation of grace from source to purge core fear from the energetic spaces, consciousness and beingness of an individual.

- Source Five Elements Clearing and Recalibration, Level I: We each incarnate with a certain divine ideal mix of the five elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether/Spirit. But over time these tend to get distorted or the flow of elemental energy through the energetic spaces and consciousness of a being gets stuck, congested and blocked. This is the first level of a deep level clearing, purge and recalibration by source for the five elements that comprise the energetic beingness of an individual.

- Source Baptism By Fire Activation: In this activation source runs the Flame of the Heart of source through all of an individual's energetic spaces to cleanse and align the energetic spaces with the Heart Flame of Source.

- Source Heart Upgrade Program, Level 1: This is the first level of the Source Heart Upgrade Program that covers but is not limited to the physical and etheric level heart(s), the heart chakra, heart chambers and facets in the heart. It also works a lot with the emotional body as well. It is a three part program. In the first part there is a deep level clearing, healing, purging and recalibrating of the heart to clear less than love energies and emotional armoring. The second level of the program links your heart to the Heart of source and the third level is a heart expansion activation from source to assist you in opening and expanding your heart to the fullest extent possible for you in any given moment.

- Source Minds and Brains Upgrade Program, Level 1: This is the first level of the Source Minds and Brains Upgrade Program which helps clear and recalibrate the subconscious, conscious and super-conscious minds, all of the different brains and the mental body. In the second stage, source links an individual's minds and brains to the Mind and Heart of Source. In the third stage there is a Source Mind and Brains expansion to allow your brains and minds to utilize more of the powers of the Source Mind and to operate more from the unified brains, minds and hearts.

- Unification with Source, Level 1: This is the first level of a deep level cleansing and purification of the wounding that arises from the separation from Source. When beings incarnate into the worlds of matter, usually they experience a a deep sense of loss, betrayal and abandonment by GOD/Creator/Source/Spirit. This is a transmission of a healing frequency to assist beings in healing and releasing this pattern and program from their energetic beingness.

- Source Infusion of the Platinum Elixirs of Light, Level 3: This is the third level of an activation that will infuse the Platinum Ray to heal deep levels of your energetic beingness.

- Source Heart Flame Initiation: In this powerful initiation, source aligns your energetic spaces and beingness with the Heart of Source.

- Source Compassion and Detachment Sequences: These sequences help beings to clear all that is in opposition to the source attributes of compassion and detachment as well as helping you to anchor these traits into your energetic beingness.

- Source Purity and Innocence Sequences: These sequences help beings to clear all that is in opposition to source attributes of innocence and purity as well as helping you to anchor these traits into your energetic beingness.

- Source Clarity and Discernment Sequences: These sequences help beings to clear all that is in opposition to source attributes of clarity and discernment as well as helping you to anchor these traits into your energetic beingness.

- Source Joy and Tranquility Sequences: These sequences help beings to clear all that is in opposition to source attributes of joy and tranquility as well as helping you to anchor these traits into your energetic beingness.

- Rays of Source Initiation, Level 1: When we incarnate on Gaia, our God Self usually selects one of the rays for each energetic body, organ, system, etc. For example the mental body may be on the Yellow Ray while our emotional body may be on the Green Ray and the personality may be the Violet Ray and the heart may be aligned to the Red Ray. This activation aligns all of the energetic bodies, organs and systems, etc. with ALL of the seven Rays at the same time - creating the space for more balance and more possibilities to come into our energetic spaces.

- Source Realms Activation: This activation allows you to astral travel at night to the Source Realms for advanced teachings and assistance for achieving your path and plan with source.

- Source Activation of Spiritual Gifts and Cosmic Dispensations of Grace, Level 2: This is the second level of a divine dispensation of grace that will activate your spiritual gifts and mastery from your most divine blueprint, activating you on great levels of your being. These gifts are the ones you contracted with source to bring forth to this world and humanity for the higher evolution of all.

How does this work

- After your payment I will start the remote session as soon as I can, you can do anything at that time (sleeping, working etc.)
- When the session is done I will contact you and you can download the picture which is infused to integrate the energies even more.

Please note

- The results of this activation may vary from person to person.
- This activation is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
- The effectiveness of this activation has not been scientifically proven.
- I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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