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Starseed Activations Package

Starseed Activations Package

Regular price €101,10 EUR
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Starseed Activations Package

🔆 These activations are channeled and the following information was given during the channeling:

"These series of powerful starseed activations are gifted to lightworkers and starseeds at this crucial juncture in Earth's ascension.

They are designed to offer energetic support, a bridge of light, to assist you in fully embodying your soul's blueprint and accomplishing your world service contracts with your soul, higher selves, and Source.
Know that you are held in the embrace of the Cosmic Heart, and these activations serve as a key to unlock the dormant potential within, allowing your light to shine brightly and contribute to the grand tapestry of creation." - Source

🔆 The following activations are included to offer you support:

• Angelic Starseed Activation

"These are a whole new 'frequency' from the 6th and 7th levels. Liquid colors poured through me, mostly in the pink lotus hue. Incredible activity in the third eye area as I watched myself be re aligned with my many selves.
This series of activations is concerned with 'galactic' ascension. The longer I sat with this blessing, the more I realized that these liquid colors had opened my mind, and that information from my many selves was being awakened.
I joined these many aspects of myself in an amazing blast/movement that left me (literally ) breathless. Great joy with this reunion. I also understood that each stargate alignment (in this series) was unique, and that we were at one time in alignment with all the stargates."

• Christos Starseed Activation

"This is about being blessed with the frequencies of Christ Consciousness/5th dimensional energies. I saw the Starseeds amongst us activating 'pods' of light for all of humanity. Then these pods burst open and Light flowed out (kind of like milkweed seeds.)
A lot of upper chakra activity as one is prepared to accept this offering, and to play it forward so to speak. A lot of alignment with Love, grace, and integrity through the Stargates. Just  amazing connection with LOVE.
Then a tornado descended on/through me and my whole physical/energetic field was rearranged. Delightful to feel and watch. I am very much at peace."

• Source Starseed Activation

"I became aware of a lime-green rod that was connecting me both to Mother Earth and also to Source. My energetic being, the macro part of me, was reconfigured. I watched as swirls of mis qualified energy were swept away and pristine geometries were placed in my energy.
I was then drawn within, and sped by all my internal being down to the very essence of self. I see this as lines of light that are undulating.
At this level, I was reconfigured to release the eons of genetic patterning that kept me from realizing my true essence that of co-creatrix.
What a wonderful gift. I came out of this one realizing that I REALLY do have a hand in creation, and it's time to step up to the plate!"

• Cosmos Starseed Activation

"If you have ever been white water kayaking or rafting then you know what this felt like. Swept away! Aware of the universal ascension aspect of this one. A lot of energetic flow, and then 'falling' up a tunnel (gate) of light. Kind of spilled out into a space that smelled wonderful and saw many beings of Light waiting in a circle.
I landed in the middle of the circle and was 'resequenced'. I was given Light in all its forms, hues, degrees, temperatures, templates etc. What an amazing experience.
This activation can support one  with any universal contracts you may have. Again a lot of activity in the upper chakras as this is necessary for the universal aspect of ascension. Floated here for a very long time in this Light (home)."

• Divine Mother/Divine Father Starseed Activation

"I fell through a tunnel and ended up in a very geometrical interlocking place, very intense physical sensations. Kind of pin and needles, but also air moving over the skin, and the feeling of hair raising. I looked around this place and felt very much at peace.
I then heard "Little one, in all MY aspects, Divine Mother/Father are probably closest to humans. We hold you in our hands, it is our Breath that moves through you each second and we have chosen to offer you these blessings to smooth out the road ahead.
Within this activation are soul alignments that can support to bring about a merging with your heart of hearts, an infusion of crystalline prisms that will light up your contracts, and most importantly a wave of love that will carry you to the farthest reaches of your SELF that you may remember who it is that you are."
I simply was floating above my body and watched as my Heart Chakra lit up. Incredible lightness of being and just peace all around me."

• Elohim Starseed Activation

"Found myself before the Higher Council of Angelic Light. Colors that were more of a liquid crystal than our spectrum, and that produced a very subtle harmony.
A being would come forth and I would receive a very strong pulse of energy throughout my whole being, sometimes with an accompanying color.
I got the sense that this is an especially important activation for Starseeds.  There was a very real sense of being held and of being home and a renewal of purpose. I was taken out far into the universe and shown many stargates that were to be utilized for the new paradigm of Heart.
Then the activations began so that I could utilize these gates. The liquid colors would envelop me and as each did, I would become aware of abilities to use these gates. Very cool."

• Holy Spirit Shekinah Starseed Activation

"I kept hearing the word 'scepter', and each time I heard it, a wave would hit my body and I would resonate for a minute or so. This happened five or 6 times. I finally asked what was going on and found that this scepter is the remembrance of ONENESS. It has been missing from our energy fields for millennium, and with the influx of stronger energies from both the center of this galaxy and the Great Central Sun, we are now being given the opportunity to resonate with it once again.
I called in this particular blessing, and everything just melted and flowed into one vast HEART. Astounding! I stayed here with this for a long time."

• Mother/Father GOD Starseed Activation

"For me the Mother/Father GOD is that being which is our solar system, that is the solar system is the body of them and it is their LOVE and union which supports this solar system. I found myself floating in a whitish space. A lot of energy was swirling all around, and then I was split open and crystalline, prism like forms were poured into me. A feeling of almost unbearable joy swept over me, and I realized that these energies were from the Pleidean and Sirian star systems, and were all about 5th dimensional energies, what some call Christ Consciousness.
Just gentle, centering, soothing, loving peaceful energy. I scanned my body and saw that these energies were feeding my cells simply lighting them up, and again the almost unbearable joy swept through me. Time to put aside the fear and step into the 5th dimension and live from the Heart. This will help us to do so in a gentle wonderful way."

• VOID Starseed Activation

"Again I had the sense of being with a council or group of beings of very advanced Heart knowledge. This faded and I was simply out of my body. Many colors swirled over, around and through me, incredibly intense sensations. I knew at the time that what I thought was knowledge was being reconfigured into true knowledge and that while I wouldn't remember the particulars, it would resurface when I needed it.
This was a most powerful experience, but can't explain it! I simply know that I am much changed from this one. It involves very very advanced knowledge of the Heart, and the Heart is so much more than we are aware of."

✨ While each activation itself is a single session, the energies and insights it awakens can continue to unfold and influence you long afterward. It is designed to create a lasting energetic shift within you, and tailored to be in alignment with you to support you and your goals optimally.
You can also repeat this package anytime you want to activate even more of the energies and codes into your being. There is always more to activate, everything in creation is ever expanding ✨

⭐ As a bonus, I also send you supportive energies for your overall well being and you will receive a summary report, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session ⭐

🔆 How does it work

I use channeled energies from spiritual beings, sacred geometry, universal energies or source to facilitate activations, attunements and energetic sessions.

• Upon receiving an order, I set a clear intention and direct the energies towards the recipient on the following day or sooner, when I receive a confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.
You can share the intentions and requests during the order in the personalization field, this ensures the session is aligned with the goals and desires of the recipient.

• During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

• Once the session is complete, I will notify you and I will send you a summary report as a bonus, which concisely describes the key energetic shifts from the session.

• You can also download the high resolution image infused with charged energies.
This picture is the same image as the listing picture, but without text and charged with the energies of the session, and specifically tailored to be in alignment with you to support you and your goals optimally. Gazing at this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.

• It’s not required to do anything extra on your part; you can simply allow the energies to do their work. Think of it like planting a seed, you've provided the fertile ground, and now it's time to allow the seed to sprout and grow naturally.

There is an integration period of about two weeks, during which the energies will be settling in and harmonizing within your being. After this period, they will reach their full potential.

• Ongoing support is included, you can always contact me for any questions or requests. I am here to support you in your journey.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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