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Superconscious Mind Activation

Superconscious Mind Activation

Regular price €50,48 EUR
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Superconscious Mind Activation

This is a channeled activation and the following information was given during the channeling:

"Deep within the caverns of your mind lies a hidden spring, a well of ancient wisdom and boundless potential. This Superconscious Mind Activation is a map, a torch to illuminate the forgotten pathways leading to that wellspring.

For generations, whispers have echoed through the ages of the power that lies dormant within. This activation is a key, forged in the fires of human potential, designed to unlock that power and unleash the limitless possibilities that reside in the superconscious.

Imagine a journey inward, a descent into the depths of your own being. Where you'll encounter seven forgotten keys:

- The Whispering Oracle: in the caverns of intuition, the Oracle speaks in riddles and dreams. This activation can shapren your inner voice, allowing you to decipher the whispers of your soul and navigate life with newfound clarity.

- The Dream Weaver: in the tapestry of creativity, the Weaver awakens your dormant artistic spirit. Blocks dissolve, replaced by a kaleidoscope of fresh ideas and the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.

- The Stargazer: atop the mountain of connection, the Stargazer reveals the vast tapestry of existence. You can experience a profound sense of belonging, realizing you are not alone, but a vital thread woven into the fabric of the universe.

- The Hidden Path Finder: in the labyrinth of problems, the Path Finder unveils hidden pathways within your mind. Challenges can transform into opportunities, revealing solutions that were always present but obscured from your conscious awareness.

- The Alchemist of Emotions: in the bubbling cauldron of emotions, the Alchemist transmutes negativity. Limiting beliefs simmer and dissolve, leaving behind a sense of inner peace and emotional well being.

- The Still Lake Master: on the tranquil lake of focus, the Master teaches the art of unwavering concentration. Distractions fade away, replaced by laser like precision, allowing you to achieve anything you set your mind to.

- The Seed of Limitless Potential: in the fertile soil of your being, the Seed is planted. This activation can nourish a journey of continuous evolution, pushing you beyond perceived limitations and towards a future brimming with endless possibilities." - Source

How does it work

- After your payment I will start the remote session as soon as I can, you can do anything at that time (sleeping, working etc.)
- When the session is done I will contact you and you can download the picture with infused energies to help the integration even further.

Please note

- The results of this session may vary from person to person.
- This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
- The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
- This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
- I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
- I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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