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Ultra-Violet Emissaries of Love Activations Package

Ultra-Violet Emissaries of Love Activations Package

Regular price €106,19 EUR
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Ultra-Violet Emissaries of Love Activations Package

🔆 These are channeled activations and the following information was given during the channeling:

"We are master healers asked to assist you and your world. We have great knowledge of healing that is 500 light years ahead of your world.
We are called Ultra-Violet Emissaries because we embrace our ultra-violet light body.

In this light body we can not take a vehicle or our energy would instantly combust it upon entering. But even though we are not encased in a form, it does not mean that we do not understand your vehicle and how to heal it. We have great knowledge of your human form as well as many other forms in this universe and its connecting universes.

We understand your great need for clearing and healing to support your path to ascension. Therefore, we offer you the following activations that will clear obstacles to your mastery and ascension process.
These activations will balance the priest/priestess in you and align you to the god within.

When this happens, one is energetically aligned with the divine ideal balance of the masculine and the feminine; power and creation energies. As your light and love quotient expand, we will offer more extraordinary gifts of clearing to you to support your blessed endeavors to your most sacred journey back to Source.

🔆 The following activations are included:

• One
• Wisdom
• Mastery
• Clarity
• Vision
• Purity
• Alchemy
• Transmutation
• Creation
• Priest
• Priestess
• God
• Emissary
• Illusion
• Time
• Transcendence
• Ascension
• All Seeing Eye of God
• All Loving Heart of God
• I AM a Reflection of My Creator

🔆 These activations can support you on your journey with:

• Ascension: accelerate your spiritual evolution, raising your vibration and expanding your consciousness to ascend toward your highest self and reunite with Source.

• Priest/Priestess Balance: harmonize the divine masculine and feminine energies within, creating inner balance and empowering you to embody your sacred role as a conduit for divine love and wisdom.

• God Alignment: deepen your connection to the divine presence within, unlocking your innate power, wisdom and creative potential.

• I AM Reflection: recognize and embody your true nature as a divine being, radiating love and light into the world.

• Mastery: embody mastery in all areas of your life, guided by divine wisdom and supported by the Ultra-Violet Emissaries.

• Wisdom: access ancient and universal knowledge, gaining deeper insights into yourself and the universe.

• Clarity: dissolve confusion and doubt, allowing you to see your path with crystal clarity and make empowered choices.

• Vision: expand your perception and intuition, opening your third eye to access higher realms and receive divine guidance.

• All Seeing Eye of God: develop a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, witnessing the divine blueprint of creation.

• Purity: Cleanse and purify your energy field, releasing limiting beliefs and patterns that hinder your growth.

• Alchemy: transform challenges into opportunities, turning lead into gold on your spiritual journey.

• Transmutation: shift your vibration to align with higher frequencies, attracting abundance and positive experiences into your life.

• Creation: manifest your desires with intention and ease, co-creating your reality with the universe.

• All Loving Heart of God: cultivate unconditional love and compassion for yourself and all beings, radiating healing energy into the world.

With Eternal Love and Devotion,

The Ultra-Violet Emissaries of Love"

🔆 How does it work

•  After your order I will initiate the remote activation, attunement, or energetic session on the following day or sooner, upon receiving confirmation from my higher self regarding the optimal timing for maximum effect.

•  During the remote session, you are free to engage in any activity: sleep, work, dance, meditate, etc. The built-in integration mechanisms ensure that your actions will not affect the efficacy of the session.

•  Once the session is complete, I will notify you, and you can download the image infused with charged energies. Viewing this image can further support and amplify the activation, attunement or energetic session.

🔆 Please note

• The results of this session may vary from person to person.
• This session is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment.
• The effectiveness of this session has not been scientifically proven.
• This session is not a medical treatment and is not intended to diagnose or cure any medical condition.
• I am not a medical professional and am not qualified to diagnose or treat any medical condition.
• I am not allowed to guarantee any specific results.

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